How to Ask For What You Want (at Home) Pt 2

In this second half of a two-part series, Gervase shines a light on how to get what you want at home. Using two highly common archetypes of women who aren’t currently getting their wants or needs met in the home, Gervase shares why this isn’t “just the way it is” and how you can take back your agency and embrace your power to evolve your life into a reflection of who you are on the inside. Listen in for the sneaky beliefs that are keeping you small, how accepting a life of not getting what you want can manifest into other symptoms in your life, why being needless and wantless is actually hurting your family, and so many more valuable insights (Seriously grab a pen). Keep listening for real-time practices of having grace for your current self and the shifts you can make to start getting what you want out of your home life.

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133: How to Ask For What You Want (at Work) Pt 1 - It's All Me 

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