The 2023 Inner Circle Mastermind / Join the wait list

The Inner Circle

A 9-month, all-inclusive coaching immersion

For the woman ready to be held by G in an intimate community while she does the inner work to redesign and claim authentic joy, success, balance and power in every area of her womanhood.

Return to yourself, in the company of women in the circle doing the inner work to shift their external realities in profound ways.

An intentional homecoming

In this 9-month coaching container, you will have space, deep healing and sisterhood to support you as you (at your own pace) look at every single area of your life as a modern woman and get deeply discerning about what's ready to be kept and what's ready to be burned to the ground.

Ready for the experience of a lifetime with a sisterhood of like-minded modern women?

only Eight spaces available

Join me for a 9-month program designed to help you meet your people and your truest, most trusting and abundant self.

What’s included

  • 8 x 60-minute private coaching sessions with G + recordings and notes (Held via Zoom video)

  • 16 x 90-minute group coaching calls (bi-weekly). Includes riffs and hot seat coaching for all live + opportunity to ask Qs in advance to be answered on the replay. Lifetime access to recordings.

  • Unlimited 1:1 Voxer alignment coaching with G for on-the-spot triggers, integration, celebrations, relationship strategy, etc

  • Group Voxer coaching thread with entire mastermind

  • A three night/four day luxury retreat to Costa Rica in April (Includes accommodations; all meals eaten at resort; coaching sessions and surprises)

  • All-access pass to all of G's other programs (The Gateway, Legacy, The Creatrix, and anything that launches during 2023)

I See You, And I’ve Got You.

You are a woman who is done with the status quo.

"Fine" feels kind of…flat?

Lacking in the mystical, the depth, the wondrous power of being a human on this tiny planet at exactly this moment in time…

If you're here, you likely want to believe there is a more sustainable, nourishing and balanced way to woman.

A Woman Way, if you will.

A way that doesn't ask you to be everything to everyone and very little to yourself, perhaps.

Let me guess

You are a woman who is no longer willing to perpetuate the same cycles in her life, relationships, motherhood and career.

You sense you may be repeating the patterns of the people who came before you, and you also sense the greatness and potential inside you to do better — to be all that you are…

A magical, wise intuition Soul and a brilliant brain and strong body.

If you're here, you may not know exactly how or exactly what needs to shift — but you know it's time and you are ready.

Ready to live out your legacy?

Ready to claim success in every area, and not just one.

Ready to reach beyond the edge of your potential, your desires, your emotional and mental limits and into the vast unknown of potentiality that is your birthright.

You're ready for and instead of or.

You've likely tried a sampling of other modalities to move the needle forward in your life, towards where you want to go and how you want to feel, but

You have this whispering intuitive knowing that tells you that the inner work is next, and you deserve to be held through the whole process by someone who has walked this path a hundred times and will hold your hand through the whole thing–through the light and the shadow, through the big celebrations and new feelings.

You may be slightly nervous, but you also know that on the other side of the inner work is external manifestation of the life, relationships and career you TRULY want.

You know your life is the culmination of all your choices and understand how the #itsallmemindset can change everything (literally the way you experience everything in your life), but you need help with integration and application of these big transformational concepts to your real life as a high-achieving (very busy) woman.

It deserves time, space and resources, and it will take all those things.

This program is designed to support you at the speed of trust.

I see you, and I've got you.

Your new Inner Circle has your back, too. And it's not just for the 10 months of 2023 when we'll meet.

The friendships you'll form here will last forever

Because here we can count on life to continuously deliver the ups, downs, surprises and challenges all humans experience, and we know that we get to experience them with more ease, pleasure, joy and peace than we've been modelled.

In my Inner Circle, your intuition will become your authority.

Your Soul's whispers will be translated into concrete actions and your mind will learn how to reframe all that you experience in a way that allows your feminine, powerful, and infinitely wise woman to run the show, and make it the masterpiece she came here to.

Hear about Laurens experience…

The Retreat

A luxury retreat to Costa Rica, baybee!

Accommodations, all meals eaten on location and coaching circles are included. Alcohol, travel, transportation, excursions are not. 

Expect delicious healthy meals and chats by the pool; powerful coaching circles on the beach, healing yoga classes, and S-P-A-C-E for you to connect inwards—to your mind, body and spirit in a way you never knew was possible. 

Dates will be finalized in February to ensure all can attend.

Ready for the experience of a lifetime with a Sisterhood of like-minded modern women?

only Eight spaces available / first-come, first-served

Payment Plan

10 payments of



A Luxury Costa Rica Retreat*

8 x Private Coaching Calls

16 x 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls

Weekly 1:1 Voxer Coaching

Weekly Voxer Group Coaching

Access To All Of G's Other Programs


Save $1,500 when you pay in full

Join the wait list

Pay In Full




A Luxury Costa Rica Retreat*

8 x Private Coaching Calls

16 x 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls

Weekly 1:1 Voxer Coaching

Weekly Voxer Group Coaching

Access To All Of G's Other Programs


Save $1,500 when you pay in full

Join the wait list

*Includes accommodations; all meals eaten at the resort; coaching sessions and surprises.
*Dates (in April) will be finalized in February to ensure all can attend.

“I had no idea what I was signing up for when I put money down for the Mastermind, but my gut told me to jump and a bit uncharacteristically, I did. I was drawn to Gervase's videos and podcast but felt like she was speaking an entirely different language. A language, though, my gut told me I wanted to learn.

Drawing from my past personal work experiences, I geared up for the Mastermind ready to take on the challenge and grow. Little did I know, there would be no suiting up for battle this time! All I needed to do was board that [working with Gervase] train ready to leave the station, sip my coffee and enjoy the view out the window. It was and is that easy and also just down right magical.

I truly received the transformational gifts of the Mastermind container the moment I put my money down (sounds like BS, but it's true for me!). What a relief to find that this kind of work gets to be easy (as Gervase says). Transformation gets to be easy, empowering, lighthearted and truly enjoyable."

— Lauren J

Women have been gathering in Circles for centuries

“If one woman speaks her truth, there is a strong possibility she speaks for others who are silent or speaks for a silenced part in others. . . a circle of women is a multi-faceted mirror in which each sees herself reflected.”

— The Millionth Circle

There is a subtle dynamic that must be present in intimate groups of women for them to connect on a deep level. As a master coach of 9 years, I hold transformational circle space where all women are seen, heard, celebrated and powerful mirrors for each other. It's what I did in my mega-successful pre-Covid event series, The Champagne Society and it's also what's made every group program I've ever run potent AF.

My group coaching groups, programs, "containers", events, masterminds (you name it) are responsible for more true friendships than I can even count. One group coaching circle with me and you will remember the lost art of being in compassionate collaboration with women instead of competition that's been conditioned into us by the patriarchy.

You will also be inspired by each other within this container. A sisterhood of women chipping away at the same destination (intuitive living, work/life balance, reconnection to Self and Spirit, relationship transitions, healed mothering and daughter-ing) gets there MUCH faster than the woman who goes it alone and tries the "old paradigm" way. You GET to surround yourself with people and mentors who see you and can hold you through your personal paradigm shift, and this makes it so much sweeter, love.

Being in a women's circle will feel like riding a bike. Your soul will remember the ancient art of pre-patriarchal circle ceremony instantly, and it will feel just as freeing (as said bike) and oh so natural to give and receive advice, reflections and support in this non-hierarchical structure.

Hi, I’m Gervase

you can call me ‘G’

Happily and imperfectly married since 2010, I have called Charleston, SC, home since 2004. I enjoy dance parties, piles of children, way-too-deep conversations, and a boujée vibe anywhere, anytime.

With both feet planted firmly on the ground here in the real world, I have three young kids, drive a sexy minivan and live in the suburbs, but I will still remind you, over and over, that you are both a fully feeling human and a magical infinite Soul.

I am the host of the It's All Me podcast, formerly known as The Champagne Society podcast, and I was certified with Coach Training Alliance in 2013 and the American Coaching & Hypnosis Academy in 2020.

I walk my talk

I'm here to guide you home to the truth you've hidden from yourSelf: that you are more than your brain, your roles, your career or your conditioning.

You are both a fully feeling human and a magical infinite Soul.

I call myself an Intuitive Life Coach, and the work I do is deep, identity shifting and as spiritual as your Soul gets.

As a Human Design Projector, I'm here to lead and guide and go straight to the heart of your truth to help you see it for yourself so you can get to work being the you your soul came here to be (playful, imperfect, full of wisdom, curses when she fucking feels like it...catch my drift?).

Oh, and don't worry, modern woman

I, like you, am just out here in the thick of life…

  • Covered in my three young children

  • Endless projects and people I manage

  • Divorced parents

  • A real AF partnership

  • A history of depression with a dash of trauma

  • And still learning

I am not exempt from the human experience, nor do I claim to be. I just ride the waves of it like a wild woman.

What to (Really, Truly) Expect

like, for real

The work you will do in this mastermind is deeply personal while also being incredibly universal.

As a collective, modern women are experiencing much of the same symptoms of burn-out, numbness, anxiety, over-doing, over-giving, resentment, exhaustion and overall disconnection from their sense of empowerment, purpose and inner magic. So on our biweekly group calls, what is shared by one is almost always felt by the others.

The circle serves as a collective mirror for the group to remind each woman she is never alone and she is also uniquely positioned and capable of creating everything she desires for her life.

That being said, for you to get the most of this experience, it's important to me that you feel safe, open and coachable. I will earn your deeper trust over time, but to get there, we must start with a solid foundation of mutual respect and safety.

Here are some things I can guarantee you will experience working with me:


You may feel emotional at unexpected times, during 1:1 sessions or group calls, and it may be the first time you have allowed yourself to release this emotion in a long time. I don't tell you this to terrify you but to reassure you—when you are heard and understood in a safe, productive healing space, tears will likely flow, and I promise you I am the keeper of the tears of every single 1:1 client I have EVER worked with, and I hold deeply safe and vulnerable space or my inner circle.


You will get comfortable connecting to and communicating with your inner child and your intuition. My style of coaching guides my clients inward often. I have been trained and mentored by multiple teachers on how to guide my clients through intuitive inner child healings (called an "affect bridge" in hypnotherapy) and I use this often to help us access information that is not available via the conscious mind.


You will feel vulnerable. The first time it will be terrifying, and once you experience support from the circle, you will be addicted to this desperately missing ingredient to your friendships.


You will heal any Sister Wounds. Many women have wounding around female friendships and are hesitant to come into group spaces of women, though that is exactly what will break this cycle forever and allow you to move into a new reality of healthy, sustaining and vulnerable female friendships.You will feel vulnerable. The first time it will be terrifying, and once you experience support from the circle, you will be addicted to this desperately missing ingredient to your friendships.


You will touch your trauma in our sessions. Particularly the trauma you've told yourself isn't trauma—that will come up if and when you feel safe to clear it, and I promise you are in good hands. All your shit will come up over our time together, and we will heal it and integrate the wisdom it's surfacing to share. Think of it like breaking a bone to reset it so it heals correctly; much of our childhood trauma is entirely unaddressed and creates constant pain and causes us to perpetuate ancestral cycles of lack, suffering, martyrdom, self-doubt, etc. When we heal it from the root, it no longer creates this negative ripple effect on your life.


I coach and teach intuitively. None of my sessions are structured—from an off-the-cuff hypnosis or meditation to a training on a topic to hot seat coaching, working with me is for the woman who is ready for a teacher and experience that is wildly different from boardrooms and power point presentations. I channel while I coach, I intuit from one coaching question to the next inner child healing. You will see, in real time, how I stay open, flexible and compassionate to catch my clients wherever they are and exactly where they are every single time, even if that means the path is twisty. I believe the spiral of healing should always do exactly that—spiral. No cookie cutter healing templates or processes here.


You will shift and lighten quickly. This work is different than therapy because we are very clear on where we want to go and I am very gifted at seeing exactly what's in your way and getting you to pull it out by the root—swiftly. You may, at times, be shocked by the pace of your healing and then months later be frustrated to be facing the same lesson again. I will remind you (via my own lived experience and through working with hundreds of clients) that this is the under-discussed "normal" path of growth. I will help you connect the dots and see exactly how it's working in your daily life at work, in partnership, parenting, soul care, spirituality, etc.


I am deeply spiritual AND I will meet you where you are. I work with a wide range of women who are devout Christians to atheists. We do not NEED the spirituality to get you where you're going, but universal support is something that has helped me tap into my inner mystic and unwavering trust in intuition, so I will reference it. If you feel totally closed off to spirituality, let's hop on a call first to talk it out and make sure this won't get in the way, because I will never pretend to be or believe something I'm not or don't.


It will feel easy. You don't have to "do" anything. There's no homework and you're not graded, because you're a grown-ass successful woman. Your transformation begins with your investment in yourself and the declaration to the universe that you are changing course and prioritizing you this year. In my world you can trust that you'll get what you need when you need it, and I will intuit when and what that is, because that's what you're paying me for. :) This helps us kill the cycle of over-performing and perfectionism immediately.

I'm here to guide you home to the truth you've hidden from yourSelf: that you are more than your brain, your roles, your career or your conditioning.

Join me for a 9-month program designed to help you meet your people and your truest, most trusting and abundant self.

Your Transformation

Your Transformation Inside

  • You will meet yourSelf. Your true Self or "Soul Self" as I call her.

  • You will meet the version of you void of her conditioning.

  • The place you sense is near, but you can’t quite see (yet), is a place where you will replace uncertainty with un-fuck-withable trust.

  • You will trade shoulds and have tos with empowered choices and fucking WANT to.

  • You will take a hard look at the people, beliefs and perspectives that make you feel small, stuck or limited and break free of them with the #itsallmemindset.

  • You will be in a magical coaching container with other women who were also brave enough to re-imagine their modern motherhood, partnership, career, entrepreneurship, health, wealth and wellness.

  • We are the women who know motherhood can be a portal into SELF.

  • A transformation into a true, sovereign identity that does not get shaped or shifted by circumstances or society’s rules, but by the one running the show and co-creating her life and legacy—YOU.

  • You will reclaim your balance of mind, body, soul, woman Self, work Self, mother Self. By integrating what I call "The Woman Way," you'll master the art of allowing all the parts of you and roles you play to flow together and complement each other in a way that's BETTER than you could have even expected, instead of compete for value, attention or time.

  • You will trust yourself, absolutely—intuition will become your default system manual; for many, spiritual/universal trust follows closely on its heels.

  • You'll understand, on a micro level, what it means to hold loving boundaries and not abandon yourself to people please or pursue perfection.

  • You'll have space in your life for you - in fact you'll see how your life exists around you as the critical center. #itsallyou

  • You'll know how to do the inner work necessary to make the 90% of your life that you DO control a manifestation of your desires.

  • You'll be tapped in - to your desires, energy, intuition, Soul, Co-creator/Universe (whatever you call this).

  • You'll have a tight-knit circle of lifelong female friends to become your community that holds you as you continue to do this work.

The Program Details

This high-touch program has been designed based on my 9 years of experience in the industry. I've only included the components I know work to alchemize big inner shifts sustainably and powerfully.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

We'll meet eight times for a private session via Zoom to deep-dive into what's present for you and where you are blocked, stuck, heavy or back in an old cycle.

We'll go right to the root of any suffering to make sure you feel light, clear, and alchemized by the time you leave.

All sessions are recorded and you have lifetime access. I also send notes with your shifts, breakthroughs and integration points.

Group Coaching Circles

We'll meet biweekly for a 90-minute mastermind coaching call via Zoom. I always start with a grounding meditation and then we dive in with either a riff (spontaneous live training based on something I'm navigating in my personal life or seeing repeatedly with clients), hot seat coaching, reflections, or whatever else is helpful live an on-the-spot.

This is where the magic of circle really happens, and I facilitate productive and powerful peer-to-peer counselling and sharing.

The load lightens when it is shared by the circle.

Ongoing Support Between Live Sessions

You'll have access to Gervase for on-the-spot triggers, questions, challenges, celebrations and coaching via the Voxer app (like a walkie talkie app). Office Hours are Monday through Friday, 9am - 4pm.

Hear about Emilys’ experience…

This Program Is Your All-Access Pass To A Year With Me

Included in this mastermind is access to all other programs I run, from the on-demand Magic Lessons, masterclasses and Sister Circles available inside my membership program, The Gateway, to the high-level short-burst programs I run like Legacy, The Creatrix and Relationships Re-imagined.

You get an all-access pass to anything I run as a member of my Inner Circle, including a General Admission ticket to any and all live events and one-day retreats.

This allows your growth to be compounded in the areas that are most important to you in this season of your womanhood and the whole experience to feel like an abundant buffet.

The Retreat

A luxury retreat to Costa Rica, baybee!

Accommodations, all meals eaten on location and coaching circles are included. Alcohol, travel, transportation, excursions are not. 

Expect delicious healthy meals and chats by the pool; powerful coaching circles on the beach, healing yoga classes, and S-P-A-C-E for you to connect inwards—to your mind, body and spirit in a way you never knew was possible. 

Dates will be finalized in February to ensure all can attend.

Ready for the experience of a lifetime with a Sisterhood of like-minded modern women?

only Eight spaces available / first-come, first-served

Payment Plan

10 payments of



A Luxury Costa Rica Retreat*

8 x Private Coaching Calls

16 x 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls

Weekly 1:1 Voxer Coaching

Weekly Voxer Group Coaching

Access To All Of G's Other Programs


Save $1,500 when you pay in full

join the wait list

Pay In Full




A Luxury Costa Rica Retreat*

8 x Private Coaching Calls

16 x 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls

Weekly 1:1 Voxer Coaching

Weekly Voxer Group Coaching

Access To All Of G's Other Programs


Save $1,500 when you pay in full

Join the wait list

*Includes accommodations; all meals eaten at the resort; coaching sessions and surprises.
*Dates (in April) will be finalized in February to ensure all can attend.